DENPAC, the general purpose action committee of the Texas Dental Association, is a voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated group of dentists whose goal is to influence the nomination or election of state candidates who have demonstrated their concern for the preservation of dentistry as an independent profession, and for the dental health of the people of Texas.
State government plays a vital role in setting guidelines for how you run your practice on a daily basis. From taxation and regulation to scope of practice and licensing, the Texas legislature makes decisions affecting every aspect of the dental profession.
DENPAC exists to help safeguard against counter-productive legislation and to ensure that the Texas Dental Association has a constant presence at our state capitol. When lawmakers address issues affecting the practice of dentistry in Texas, DENPAC is hard at work making your voice heard.
What you need to know
State Law vs State Board
What's the difference?
Texas Legislature
How does it work?