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Texas Dental Association: Helping Every Member Succeed

TDA connects dentists with each other, with patients, and with resources for life and career. TDA is a professional membership organization for dentists, and the 3rd largest state dental association in the US. The TDA is part of a tripartite affiliation with the American Dental Association at the national level, and component societies at the local level. The Association has more than 9,200 members, and is composed of 26 local component dental societies, grouped into 4 divisions across Texas.

TDA News

CDC Changes to Isolation and Quarantine Period

Dec 1, 2021
CDC Announces Changes to Recommended Isolation and Quarantine Period

On December 27, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shortened the recommended isolation time for COVID-19 positive individuals from 10 days to 5 days from the positive test date, if asymptomatic, followed by 5 days of wearing a mask around others. This applies regardless if the individual is vaccinated. If the individual has a fever, they should continue isolation until the fever ends.

Additionally, the CDC shortened the recommended quarantine time for those exposed to a person that is COVID-19 positive. Those unvaccinated or 6 months out from their second vaccine does (or more than 2 months after the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) should quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days. Those exposed but unable to quarantine for 5 days should wear a mask around others for 10 days after exposure. Individuals that received their booster vaccine dose do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days after exposure.

It’s important that the mask is well-fitting.

Anyone exposed should also test at day 5 after exposure. However, if symptomatic, immediately quarantine until a negative test.

The CDC reported that these changes are supported by science showing that a majority of COVID-19 transmissions generally occur early in the 1-2 days prior to the onset of symptoms and 2-3 days after. For details, see the CDC’s media statement. Dentists are reminded to update their written COVID-19 plan with the new CDC isolation and quarantine recommendations.

ADA News