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Texas Dental Association: Helping Every Member Succeed

TDA connects dentists with each other, with patients, and with resources for life and career. TDA is a professional membership organization for dentists, and the 3rd largest state dental association in the US. The TDA is part of a tripartite affiliation with the American Dental Association at the national level, and component societies at the local level. The Association has more than 9,200 members, and is composed of 26 local component dental societies, grouped into 4 divisions across Texas.

TDA News

Drug Enforcement Agency Email: Expired State Dental Licenses

Feb 16, 2022
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) recently emailed registrants reminding them to make sure that the expiration date of their state practitioner license is correct on their DEA registration. Dentists holding DEA registrations need to make sure that the expiration date for their Texas dental license is correct and current on their DEA registration. It is a DEA registration violation to have an expired Texas dental license. Violators can face termination of their DEA registration.

Click on “Make Changes to my DEA Registration” to verify the expiration date of your Texas dental license and update it if necessary. Once in your DEA registration, go to “State Licenses” and verify your “State License Expire Date.” The state license expire date must match the license expiration date on your Texas dental license.

Dentists needing help accessing and navigating their DEA registration can call DEA’s Registration Support at 800-882-9539 between 8:30 AM and 5:50 PM EST. Or, contact a DEA registration specialist in their area.

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