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As we transition to a new association management software you may experience difficulty in accessing your member profile. If you have any issues or would like to make a payment, you can call 512-443-3675, ext. 137 to speak to Rachael Daigle.

Texas Dental Association: Helping Every Member Succeed

TDA connects dentists with each other, with patients, and with resources for life and career. TDA is a professional membership organization for dentists, and the 3rd largest state dental association in the US. The TDA is part of a tripartite affiliation with the American Dental Association at the national level, and component societies at the local level. The Association has more than 9,200 members, and is composed of 26 local component dental societies, grouped into 4 divisions across Texas.

TDA News

Important! New DEA Training Requirement: MATE Act Compliance

Jun 27, 2023

Starting on June 27, 2023, all Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registered practitioners prescribing controlled substances (Schedules II, III, IV, and/or V) must complete an 8-hour training requirement. Dentists must check a box on their online DEA registration form to show completion of the training. The training must be completed before an initial registration or registration renewal on or after June 27, 2023. 

Dentists can fulfill the requirement if they graduated from dental school within 5 years of June 27, 2023, and successfully completed a curriculum that included at least 8 hours of training on:

  • Treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance use disorders, including the appropriate clinical use of all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of a substance use disorder; or 
  • Safe pharmacological management of dental pain and screening, brief intervention, and referral for appropriate treatment of patients with or at risk of developing opioid and other substance use disorders.

Alternatively, dentists can fulfill the requirement by completing 8 hours of training on treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance use disorders or safe pharmacological management of dental pain. The training can be done in one 8-hour session or across multiple sessions, and in various formats including classroom settings, seminars, or virtually. Dentists must obtain and keep course completion certificate(s).  

Previous training taken from a DEA-recognized organization before December 29, 2022, and hours taken from a DEA-recognized organization to meet the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners’ controlled substances continuing education requirements count towards the DEA’s 8-hour training requirement. 

The DEA recognizes the American Dental Association (ADA), the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, and ADA CERP-recognized providers for the dental training requirement, which includes any organization recognized by the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition, or (CCEPR). The Texas Dental Association is a recognized ADA CERP provider. 

For official information from the DEA, email your questions to the Diversion Control Division Policy Section at, or call 571-362-3260. The website is


Upcoming Opportunities to Meet the DEA Training Requirement

May 4, 2023
The TDA Meeting May 2023 Dr Art Jeske 
Safe & Effective Pain Management When Ethically Prescribing Opioids & Other Controlled Substances to Dental Patients
8 AM to 12 PM

June 2, 2023
Dental Concierge
Safe and Effective Pain Management When Ethically Prescribing Opioids and Other Controlled Substances to Dental Patients
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM 


ADA News