Staffing Shortages for Hygiene Positions

As dental practices are slowly returning to the new normal, your dental Association is keenly aware that some offices continue to face difficulties which include reduced patient flows, decreasing reimbursements, supply chain scarcities and, most notably, staffing shortages.
Even though many of those challenges are intertwined with one another, each requires its own unique solution. Unfortunately, many of those solutions take time – time that many practices cannot afford. Given our responsibility to serve you and your patients, and knowing the current staffing shortages for many hygiene positions, we have provided you with links to twenty-plus dental hygiene programs in the state of Texas.
We would encourage each of you in need to reach out to the program directors at the dental hygiene schools (much like many temp agencies do) and seek graduates whose work ethic, location, and skills match that of your practice. Although we know this is not a long-term solution – larger hygiene and dental assisting enrollments are far more desirable – we hope this will provide some small relief to an immediate need, while also developing meaningful relationships with these schools if a need arises in the future.
Please do not hesitate to contact us as we welcome any suggestions or ideas you wish to share.
Duc "Duke" M. Ho, DDS FAGD
TDA President
Amarillo College
Austin Community College
Baylor College of Dentistry Component of Texas A&M Health Science Center
Blinn College
Coastal Bend College
Coleman College for Health Sciences – Houston Community College System
Collin County Community College
Concorde Career College – Dallas
Concorde Career College – San Antonio
Del Mar College
Dallas College
El Paso Community College
Howard College
Lamar Institute of Technology
Lone Star College – Kingwood
Midwestern State University
PIMA Medical Institute
Tarrant County College
Temple College
Texas State Technical College
Texas Woman’s University
Tyler Junior College
University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston – School of Dental Hygiene
University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio School of Health Professions
Wharton County Junior College